What on Earth Happened? AN 8-hr video.   Once your, awake you can't  go back to sleep!

Again Watch with an open Mind.    It will take you into a Deep Rabbit Hole. 

The Lost History of Earth.  A 5-hr Video This Video goes into the old history of Earth. Watch with an Open Mind. It goes against every thing,  you have been taught in school. 

Teflon Cookware can be Harmful to   your Health, and May cause Cancer. 


Chemtrails a Depopulation Agenda 21 Part 1

Exposing The FDA : War On Health ( Gary Null's Documentary)


Please: Before you watch any of the other movies on this page. WATCH These Two Movies Above First. If you feel something inside you swelling up then you are a True Patriot, and believe in your right to Freedom of Choice, Freedom of Speech, Right to Keep and Bear Arms, The Constitution, Bill of Rights, Freedom of Religion, And Much, Much More. Moreover those who Fought to protect these rights for all of us, me included. This is the Big Reason for this Website. Now Please Watch the movies and see who is destroying this Great Nation, Our Food, Our Medicine, Our Bodies, Our Children, and Our Way of Life. I'm just one old man trying to deliver an awaking to the people as to what is out there that is not seen, and is not for us to know. Look and learn keeping a open mind on all things. I'm sure of this, it will not wake up all.     PLEASE WAKE UP PEOPLE, SEE WHAT THEY ARE DOING TO YOU!

Thrive The Full movie:  Thrive Movement.