7 ReasonsWhy Meat is a Inflammatory Food.


True News for all, News not Altered. 

Infowars,  Epoch Times,  CBC News. 


Toxic Food Dyes and Dangers of Artificial Food Coloring: See this article  

LifeWave X39™ Patches ​ Activate Your Stem Cells

Dr. Mercola's Website where you will find a host of information on Natural Cures, foods, and for the Latest Health Information and Studies.

Learn about the X39 Patch that helps in replacing Stem Cells in         your body. Watch the video             below, click on Life Wave.               Below to watch the video.

Peter R. Breggin M.D.       https://breggin.com/

   Dr. Peter Breggin is a leading doctor on all of the information on PSYCHIATRIC DRUGS. Go to his website if you are wanting to start or get off any PSYCHIATRIC DRUGS. See his Video on this website in Drugs and Guns. Called the Most Dangerous Drugs. If you watch no other video on this website watch this one. 

Dr Molly Maloof keeps the entrepreneurs of Silicon Valley Califorina in peak physical condition, but you won't find many pills on her prescriptions.

Soy is in about every thing we eat. It is not good for the human Body. The soybean was considered unfit to eat. Find our why below. 

Newest Research on Why You Should Avoid Soy

  1. Minimum Exerciseyou need.
  2. The Stealth Ingredientmaking many Foods Toxic.
  3. Super Juice Me.
  4. Seven Superfoods

DR. Joseph Mercola, is one of the best known natural healing Doctors. Check Dr. Mercola's Health Links in other parts of this website.

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Dr. Mercola is a Leading Doctor in all Natural Healing.  He has a large selection of products. His Website is the Worlds #1 Natural Health Website. 


The Food Revolution Net- work is a great place to get Information on all kinds of Foods, News, Nutrition, And Health Information.  Please Check out this website, if you have Children. You will find surprising information about our food today, 

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Ty & Charlene Bollinger

Ty & Charlene Bollinger have worked end lest hours to bring Cancer Awareness too the public. Providing Thousands of hours of information to the People. Check out there website here, The Truth about Cancer.